September 2024 - August 2025
For 30 minute lessons:
Yearly tuition…….………… $1992
Monthly tuition…….……….. $170
Your tuition guarantees that I will be prepared and present to teach 44 lessons (or group classes) for September 2024—August 2025.
At the start of the year, I will give out a calendar of scheduled vacations. If I need to use one of my 3 Flex Weeks (unscheduled time off), you will be notified by text and/or email.
Please set up automated bank payment to send on the 1st (must arrive by the 10th). If paying by check, make check out to Valerie Alfonso.
Payments arriving after the 10th will receive a $25 late fee.
The studio runs much like a private school; tuition remains the same each month and is based on enrollment, not attendance, reserving your child’s exclusive lesson time through the year, whether the student lessons or not. A student who does not attend a lesson will simply miss the benefit of that lesson.
Your tuition reserves you a weekly time slot and benefits within the studio. Be assured that your tuition is working for you even when you are unable to attend.
Please give notice when not attending a lesson.
If for any reason you must stop lessons, 30 days’ written notice is required. If the student does not provide 30 days’ advance written notice, the student shall be liable for one month’s tuition in full, even if no lessons are provided during 30 days.
In-person, Forte/Zoom, phone, FaceTime lessons and sending a YouTube link are all available formats for conducting lessons.
At least 50% of lessons in the year are required to be in-person. This allows for more well-rounded musicianship, with duets, games, improvisation, better hand position & technique.
An initial deposit of $100 per student is collected prior to starting lessons. Books are procured by teacher, and a running tally is kept. When the balance is less than $40, more funds will be requested.
The balance remaining will be refunded upon termination of lessons.
This $110 yearly fee per student (or $200 per family) includes:
—Access to entire Studio-Licensed (SL) Music Library
—Printing Costs for SL Music & SL Games for the year*
*Exception: Supersonics Method books cost $10.
—Supersonics Access
This is a great deal, as much of the supplemental music your student will be using throughout the year is studio-licensed!